Customer Satisfaction Survey

Sample University


Please take a few moments to share your opinions about the food service at this campus facility. Your thoughtful and candid responses will help us serve you better. To preserve the confidentiality of your responses, your individually identified responses will not be shared with anyone other than select personnel at the independent research firm overseeing this survey.

Thank you for your participation.

Demographics (For data classification purposes):

1. Which of the following best describes you?

2. Gender Identity...

If "self-describe," do you wish to specify?

3. Do you live...

4. If you are a student, what is your class status?

Your Thoughts...

1. How important was the perceived campus dining experience in terms of your decision to attend this institution?
1 = Not at All Important
5 = Very Important

2. How important is the actual campus dining experience in terms of your decision to remain at this institution?
1 = Not at All Important
5 = Very Important

3. How important is the campus dining experience (i.e., wi-fi, social interaction, comfort, etc.) in terms of your academic success at this institution?
1 = Not at All Important
5 = Very Important

In general, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the dining services provided by your college/university?
1 = Very Dissatisfied
5 = Very Satisfied

Please select one of the following eating establishments to rate:

Upon clicking 'Continue,' you will be re-directed to the survey site for the selected eating establishment